Breast Repair Surgery
Breast repair operations are performed to replace the breast removed as a result of breast cancer, which is generally seen in 1 out of every 8 women. Breast reconstruction is a reconstructive procedure. It is an operation performed to replace a lost limb, not to obtain a cosmetic change. While replacing the lost breast, it is very important to work as naturally as possible and in accordance with the body structure of the person.
Be Happier Become Stronger
Breast cancer is a very challenging and exhausting disease for women. Morale and motivation are very important for women going through this process. With the removal of the breast due to breast cancer, women are psychologically worn out. Both the severity of the disease and the effects it may bring, as well as the feeling of incompleteness, which is frequently seen in women after breast removal, can cause this process to be difficult. It can also be performed after treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy are completed. Although simultaneous breast reconstruction is recommended in terms of the patient's psychology, it is important for the patient and his doctors to decide together on this process for the most effective result.
How Breast Repair Surgery is Performed?
There are 3 methods used. One of the methods of using a synthetic silicone implant, using the implant and the patient's own tissue, and using the patient's own tissues is preferred according to the physical socioeconomic status of the person and the decision of the doctors. In the methods using synthetic implants, it may be preferable to place a tissue expander or fixed size implant.
The physical condition of the person is very important in operations performed using the patient's own tissue. Muscle, fat and skin taken from the anterior abdominal wall; The muscle and skin taken from the back can be used in breast repair operation. Depending on the size of the breast to be made, only the tissues taken from the back area may be sufficient. If the breast size is large, it may be preferable to take tissue from the abdomen. Breast repair surgeries may require a hospital stay of 1 to 5 days after the operation, depending on the method chosen, the patient's health status and the course of the disease. If drains were used in the operation, removal of these drains may take up to 2 weeks. The person's return to his normal life completely depends on the technique and size of the operation. While the return to daily life is shorter in repair operations using implants, the recovery period is slightly longer in breast repair operations made from the person's own tissue.
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure to increase a woman's breasts. Breast augmentation is a very popular procedure for women who undergo pregnancy, aging, breastfeeding and after the appearance of their breasts has changed due to genetic asymmetry. Breasts are enlarged by placing implants in the breasts. The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia. It usually takes 1-2 hours to make. A 4-5 cm incision is made to insert the implant. The implant is placed behind the breast tissue or behind the chest muscle, depending on the patient's breast structure. Usually 2-3 days hospitalization is required.
Various types of breast implants consist of: Silicone implants. These implants consist of an outer layer of silicone filled with a sterile water (saline) solution. It is produced to be used in various sizes. Approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Gel-filled silicone implants. These implants consist of an outer layer of silicone. It's empty. It is filled with physiological saline during the operation.
Avoid using aspirin and other blood thinners 2 weeks before your surgery.
Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking 2 weeks before your surgery. If the patient is over 40 years of age, mammography and ultrasound should be performed before surgery.
If the patient smokes, she should quit at least 15-20 days after the surgery and 2 weeks before the surgery.
Post-Operative CareThere is a risk of developing a hardened or narrowed capsule during breast augmentation surgery. A thin capsule will not cause any problems, but if the capsule is of medium thickness, there may be a slight hardness in the breasts. Very rarely, the body can reject the foreign substance. In this case, it is necessary to remove the implants.
Many patients are generally concerned about the puncture resistance of the implants. Silicone prostheses are resistant to external impacts. Of course, the effect on the prosthesis used is great. Another concern is whether there is a risk of breast cancer after a breast implant is placed. Studies show that there is no link between breast implants and developing cancer. If breast cancer develops, surgery and treatment for the cancer are required.
Post-operative bleeding and infection are rare. Some patients complain of increased or decreased breast a sensitivity, numbness at the incision. This is usually temporary.
There is usually minimal discomfort after the procedure. If the implant is placed behind the pectoral muscle, there may be limitations in arm movement for several days. After the procedure, the breast is wrapped. If there is an unheated suture, it is removed in 10-12 days. The patient can return to work in 3-4 days. However, vigorous physical activities should be avoided for 2 months. Within 3 weeks, the breast prosthesis reabsorbs and regains normal function.
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction is considered a cosmetic procedure for a woman to improve the appearance of her breasts, but it is a non-aesthetic reconstructive procedure.
Women who have gone through this procedure will share their desired results with their doctor to explore the possibilities. . The aim of breast reduction is to create natural looking breasts.
Weight gain, breastfeeding, genetic factors, hormonal changes and/or some diseases cause large and drooping breasts. This can cause back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and hunchback. In addition, women will also opt for breast reduction due to difficulty breathing, nipple and skin sores from friction. Large breasts can make a woman self-conscious about her physique and affect her choice of clothing. The final outcome of the surgery will depend on age, skin elasticity, lifestyle and hereditary factors. Pregnancy and excessive weight gain in the postoperative period will definitely cause some changes in the breasts. But since there is a reduction in breast tissue, these changes will not be so drastic.
It is important that you clearly articulate your expectations to your surgeon. An examination will be performed, taking into account the following factors:
the size of your breasts, your skin condition, your age, and whether you have a child The following physical examinations will be performed:
a pathology test if needed
chest film removal
mammography and even breast ultrasound.
You should not smoke 2 weeks before and 10-15 days after the surgery.
Breast reduction is done under general anesthesia and usually takes 2.5 to 4 hours. During breast reduction surgery, an incision is made around the nipple where excess breast tissue and skin are removed. The nipple is then changed to fit the breasts.
Post-operative careAfter the surgery, she needs to stay in the hospital for 2-3 days. The patient can continue to work after 1 week. For 2 months, strenuous physical activities should be avoided.
Expect swelling and slight bruising. This will disappear after a while. Final results can be seen after 6 months to 1 year. During this period, weight gain and hormonal changes affect the shape of the breasts.
Breast Lift
The breast is one of the most important organs for women and Breast aesthetic surgery is performed when there is a deterioration in the structure or shape of the chest and sagging. Every woman wants to have aesthetically beautiful and smooth breasts. In such cases, it is possible to create a fuller, larger, more aesthetically pleasing breast with breast augmentation or augmentation interventions with breast aesthetic surgeries
Although you can get up in 1-2 days, you can return to work in 1 week at the earliest. You should avoid lifting or pushing anything towards the top of your head for 3-4 weeks. If you encounter an unusual situation, do not hesitate to call your surgeon. Your surgeon will give you information and directions that summarize your normal activities. You will encounter the 1-week no-sex directive as sexual stimulation can cause your incisions to swell. You should stay away from sports activities that require strength for a month. Since the milk ducts and nipple are not touched, when you become pregnant, there is no adverse effect from this operation related to breastfeeding from the breast.
There is absolutely no harm in breast recovery surgery. It is a necessary surgery to make the breasts look better.